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WinATLAS/DSP Stereoplotter can drive Google® Imagery

As of August 2013, our WinATLAS/DSP softcopy stereoplotter can drive Google imagery tracking alongside the stereomodel.  From the "WinATLASDSP→DSP→Internet GeoImagery" drop-down menu, you can switch between Google Maps Satellite, Maps Oblique, Maps Road, Maps Terrain, Streetview and Earth 3D.

You can refresh and pan to the floating mark with a hotkey or by using the "Imagery→Reload at Current XYZ" pull down menu.  Or you can select "Imagery→AutoPan" and the Google imagery will follow the floating mark as you pan or roam in the stereomodel or project, e.g. driving down a road.

For more samples, please see WinATLAS/DSP Google Imagery screen shots.

And, yes, the building in the sample images really looks like that.  It's the Stata Center at MIT in Cambridge, Massachusetts.

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