KATS - KLT Aerial Triangulation System
Windows based measurement and adjustment:
- Single integrated environment for measurement, adjustment and analysis
- Handles large blocks, e.g. 2000 photos
- Imagery and graphics superimposition
- Multi-model manual stereo measurement, e.g. quad model
- Drive-to functions from scheme measurement and ground control
- Automatic Inner Orientation, no initial manual measurement required
- Automatic Relative Orientation
- Automatic Strip
- Across Strip Block
- Automatic AT that doesn't require ab-GPS and IMU to launch
- Automatic digital camera setup
AT Processes:
- As an option to the user, ab-GPS and IMU can assist auto-AT
- Handles DTM surface to assist auto-AT
- Stereo tools to check auto-AT
- Multi-ray handling: unlimited in math model, 32 ray points in mono measurement tool
- Choice of any 4 models viewed in stereo
- Handles any strip/block/kappa arrangement
- Uses ab-GPS and IMU, including shift/drift parameters
- Processes IMU boresighting calibration flight or extra parameters
- Works for camera calibration flights
- Optional geodetic constraints such as lines/distances/angles
- Handles close range blocks
Error Detection:
- Various blunder detection schemes
- Full error propagation
- Various statistics on adjustment
Automatic AT of:
- Scanned imagery from film mapping cameras like RC30, RC20, RMKTOP, Jena, etc.
- Large format digital frame cameras such as ZI-DMC and UltraCam
- Medium format digital cameras like DSS, NexVue and Rollei
- Satellite physical models such as SPOT5, RPC, IKONOS, QuickBird
- Non-metric uncalibrated cameras
- Digital line scanner Level 0 such as ADS40, 3DAS1 and SI290